Presented venue plan of the International scientific conference on Drava

In the premises of the County was on Tuesday, November 15th held press conference on the occasion of the organization of the International scientific conference THE HISTORY OF RIVER DRAVA – LINK BETWEEN REGIONS. This event will be held on November 18th and 19th 2016., organized by the Historical association Koprivnica and the Association for croatian economic history and ecohistory.
The project is funded by the funds of Alps Adriatic Alliance and Koprivnica Križevci County, and is organized in cooperation with ten partner organizations from Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia.
Goals and timetable of the scientific conference presented the president of the organizing committee Hrvoje Petrić, and to gathered journalists also addressed academician Dragutin Feletar, president of the Historical association Koprivnica Ružica Špoljar and deputy county prefect Ivan Pal, who pointed out the absolute support of the County to such valuable events.
About Drava will on the conference from various aspects speak 27 exhibitors who also represent their professional and scientific organizations, and come from almost all areas of the basin of the river Drava. Exhibitors will have chance their works after being reviewed to publish in scientific magazines Podravina and Economic and ecohistory.
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