International cooperation and EU funds
On Monday and Tuesday, November 26th and 27th at the hotel Picok in Đurđevac, was held a two-day workshop within the project “AAA LEADER – bottom-up approach for women in the rural area”, which on behalf of the County attended senior adviser for international relations Nataša Krobot Hrastić.
On Tuesday, November 20th Varaždin County, as chairing of the Alps Adriatic Alliance, hosted an international conference on the occasion of the great jubilee celebration – the 40th anniversary of the Alps Adriatic Alliance and the cooperation of countries and regions int he area of Central Europe.
On Thursday November 8th 2018. in premises of Countys palace in Varaždin was held 2nd in a row meeting of Alps Adriatic Alliance Steering Committee.
On Saturday July 7th, the 5th international wine exhibition “The golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2018.” was held in the Gallery of the Museum of town Đurđevac, whose holder of the organization was the Cluster of Podravina and Prigorje winemakers, and as a joint project co-financed by Koprivnica Križevci County and Alps Adriatic Alliance.
In Varaždin, was on Thursday, May 3rd held the session of the Alps Adriatic Steering Committee which currently presides Varaždin County, and on behalf of Koprivnica Križevci County was attended by senior advisor – specialist for european funds and international cooperation Vladimir Šadek with associates.
Director of European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (Pannon EGTC) András Göndöc and his associates visited the county administration on Tuesday, February 27th , and met with Deputy County prefect Darko Sobota, while the meeting was attended by the director of the PORA Development agency of Podravina and Prigorje Melita Birčić.
In accordance with the Countys Assembly Decision of September 26th 2017. by which is determined the accession of Koprivnica Križevci County to Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (Pannon EGTC), the County on February 6th 2018. formally became a member of this grouping.
On Wednesday, November 22nd, a session of the Council of Alps Adriatic Alliance was held in Klagenfurt, which was attended by the leaders of the member regions, and among them County prefect Darko Koren.
In Klagenfurt was on October 19th held second this year’s session of Steering Committee of Alps Adriatic Alliance. Along with usual topics such as the Secretary General’s report on his work, and the report on work of the thematic coordination points and contact points of members, at the session was also discussed as well about the project applications that were submitted on a tender for the project funding.
Within visit to the counties with a purpose of agreement on future activities, Secretary general of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner was on Friday, September 15th visiting Koprivnica Križevci County, where he was welcomed by deputy County prefect Ratimir Ljubić, head of the Section for international cooperation and EU Funds Vladimir Šadek, representatives of the PORA Development agency of Podravina and Prigorje and other associates.