Economy and public services

Economy and public services / 28.11.2014.

Session of the Steering Committee of the Alps Adriatic Alliance – 9.500 EUR for projects of Koprivnica Križevci County

In Klagenfurt, Austria was on Thursday, November 27th held the 3rd session of the Steering Committee of the Alps Adriatic Alliance. The session was an opportunity for the review of the Secretary-General on the work of the Alliance in the previous period, and introductory addressed to the present governor of Carinthia (which currently chairs the Alliance) Peter Kaiser.

Alpe-Adria / 30.09.2014.

Opened two exhibitions in Ptuj

In organization of the Tourist Board of Koprivnica Križevci County were placed two exhibitions of paintings in the gallery area of the mall Qlandia in Ptuj. Koprivnica Križevci County as a member of the Alps Adriatic Alliance implemented two projects co-financed by these organization.

Alpe-Adria / 09.06.2014.

Held wine exhibition „The golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2014.“

In Đurđevac was last Saturday, June 7th in the premises of Hotel Picok held first international wine exhibition „The golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2014.“. The exhibition was organized by Koprivnica Križevci County, Community of Associations of winegrowers, winemakers and fruitgrowers of Koprivnica Križevci County and Tourist board of Koprivnica Križevci County.

Economy and public services / 24.04.2014.

Signed partnership agreement of three Counties of northern Croatia on the project on development of an integrated transport

County Prefects of Varaždin County and Međimurje County Predrag Štromar and Matija Posavec, and Deputy of County Prefect of Koprivnica Križevci County Ivan Pal, signed on Wednesday April 23rd at Varaždin partnership agreement on project development of an integrated passenger transport and intermodal freight transport at the area of northern Croatia.