Administrative department for economy, utility services and agriculture

Head: Marijan Štimac, dipl. oec
Registered office: Antuna Nemčića 5, 48000 Koprivnica (II floor, courtyard)
Tel: 048 658-231
Fax: 048 222-791

The Administrative department for economy, utility services, agriculture and international cooperation performs activities from the field of competitive, utility services and water management and regional development, activities from the field of agriculture, rural development, forestry, hunting and activities of interregional, cross-border and international associating and cooperation as well as using resources from European funds and activities from the field of energetics and traffic as well as protection and rescuing.

Activities of this administrative body especially refer to:

  • drafting programs for the development of economy, entrepreneurship, handicrafts, utility service, water and competitive management and systematic management of County energy, programs for the development of agriculture, rural and regional development, fishery, hunting, forestry, tourism, international cooperation and European funds, programs of protection and rescue and fire fighting.
  • preparing professional opinions on proposals of acts and other regulations from the field of economy, entrepreneurship, handicrafts, utility services, water management,  regional development, traffic and systematic management of energy as well as agriculture and rural development, fishery, hunting, forestry and tourism, decided by governmental bodies, but of interest for the County,
  • advising cities and municipalities and performing other activities as well, when that is established by an individual law, other regulation and act of the County Assembly or the prefect,
  • aligning activities and taking measures with the goal of  sustained development of local self-government units within the County,
  • keeping a database on economic trends in the County,
  • promoting opportunities for investments in the County and responding to investor inquiries,
  • participating in the organization of economic events, promotions, economic fairs and exhibitions,
  • monitoring the situation in tourism and providing guidelines for improving various forms of continental tourism in  the County, in cooperation with the Tourist Board of Koprivnica Križevci County as well as coordinating activities of all participants in the field of tourism,
  • performing administrative and professional activities from the field of utility services, in accordance with the law,
  • monitoring and proposing measures for a sustained development of utility services and the construction of shared facilities of utility services infrastructure,
  • solving administrative issues in the first-instance in accordance with special regulations,
  • solving administrative issues in second-instance procedure appeals related to administrative acts of bodies of cities and municipalities in accordance with provisions of the Utility Services Act, Act on dealing with illegally constructed buildings and Act on the protection and preservation of cultural goods,
  • performing activities from the jurisdiction of the County in water management, use of public water resources for leisure and relaxation, irrigation, protection of springs, restrictions on water use and the like, all in accordance with the law,
  • monitoring the status of water management, implementing ongoing projects with the goal of reducing the pollution of the water, the soil and the air,
  • performing activities from the field of regional development through drafting strategic documentation on issues from the jurisdiction of the administrative department and proposing and implementing programs and projects of regional development policy in accordance with national and European regional development policies as well as proposing County development priorities,
  • organizing and monitoring the County development strategy and implementing the same as far as it refers to the administrative department,
  • keeping a database of projects on the County area in cooperation with PORA Development Agency of Podravina and Progorje for promoting and implementing development activities in Koprvncia Križevci County (hereinafter: PORA), municipalities, cities, counties and state administration bodies,
  • providing and distributing information on potential funding of County programs and projects as well as programs of cities and municipalities, companies, public institutions and national and international associations,
  • performing activities related to County credit programs aimed at the development of economy and agricultural production as well as the rural area,
  • participating in organizing seminars and other professional meetings from the scope of activities of the administrative department in cooperation with PORA,
  • monitoring the status and analysing reports of legal entities established in fields within jurisdiction of the administrative department, in which the County has founding rights, respectively stakes or shares,
  • cooperation with associations, other legal entities and bodies established in fields within jurisdiction of the administrative department, especially with the social-economic council,
  • monitoring regulations related to the scope and field of activities of the administrative department,
  • preparing for implementation the procedure for granting concessions in the field of energetics, entering the same in the Court Registry, and monitoring the  execution of concession agreements and drafting required reports,
  • implementing the program of systematic energy management on County level,
  • keeping a register of County buildings in the IT system for the management of energy and coordination with other departments, and managing activities of the energy efficiency team on all investments performed on real estates owned by the County, respectively real estates of public institutions founded by the County,
  • developing project tasks and participating in the procurement of services for drafting statutory strategic documents from the field of energetics and mining,
  • coordinating activities to secure an uniform construction and maintenance of county and local roads on the County area in cooperation with the County administration for roads Križevci,
  • monitoring the status and proposing measures for achieving a more efficient traffic connection of local self-government units on the County area,
  • proposing requirements for performing, implementing procedures and granting a licence for county line respectively county special line public road transport of passengers as well as keeping statutory registers and performing other activities from the field of traffic, which are within the jurisdiction of the County,
  • deciding in the first-instance on rights and obligations of citizens and legal entities in an administrative procedure from the field of road traffic and participating in the work of the committee for technical review,
  • performing professional and administrative works for individual working bodies of the County Assembly and the prefect,
  • preparing acts and cooperation in the field of protection and rescue, fire fighting in accordance with the law and decisions of competent authorities as well as performing professional and administrative works for bodies established in these fields on the County level,
  • performing activities from the field of interregional and international cooperation, preparing agreements on cooperation, implementing and participating in international programs, facilitating the development of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation for local self-government units and public institutions established by the County, respectively companies in which the County has stakes or shares,
  • performing activities related to membership in international organizations and implementing activities arising from membership in international institutions,
  • cooperation in preparing and implementing projects co-financed from European Union funds (hereinafter: EU) and other international and national funds and state authorities (deeds of donation),
  • keeping and coordinating the database of European projects on the County level in cooperation with PORA,
  • collecting project idea proposals from local self-government units, associations and other interest groups and drafting project proposals of general interest for more stakeholders from the County area, nominating the same for funds for drafting project-technical documentation at the competent ministries, drafting requests for using resources of cohesion funds and other EU finds,
  • daily monitoring and submitting EU programs public calls to interested parties,
  • drafting programs from the field of agriculture and rural development, hunting and forestry and implementing first-instance administrative procedures and drafting reports on the implementation of the same,
  • monitoring the status, proposing measures and facilitating the improvement of the hail defence system, mitigating the consequences of natural disasters and implementing the program of securing crops,
  • implementing the co-financing program and monitoring the situation in agriculture across various branches: farming, cattle breeding, ecological production, fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable growing and other agricultural activities,
  • drafting agricultural policy development measures on the County level, and especially rural development measures including land policy measures, facilitating the management of farmland and measures for farmland consolidation,
  • implementing measures of institutional support in agricultural production and professional-interest associating of farmers,
  • implementing rural development programs in cooperation with local action groups, local self-government units, associations and other civil society interest groups, all in accordance with the law and financing opportunities from the EU structure fund for rural development,
  • monitoring the status and implementing the program from the field of forestry, especially through cooperation with the research centre of the Croatian Forrest Research Institute and other scientific institutions,
  • monitoring the status, implementing the program and solving administrative issues in the first-instance, in accordance with the Hunting Act,
  • proposing and implementing measures for facilitating hunting management and management of hunting grounds and game animals, cooperation with hunting and fishing associations with the goal of development of hunting management and facilitating hunting and fishing tourism,
  • promoting farmers and agricultural production in cooperation with local self-government units, associations and tourist boards,
  • co-financing specialized professions in agriculture in cooperation with education institutions and organizing professional field trips for the interest group from the agriculture sector,
  • other activities in accordance with legislation and subordinate legislation.