Deputy County prefect Pal opened the “Alps Adriatic Young writers festival”

For the first time in Koprivnica Križevci County as well as in town Varaždin, from June 2nd till 4th is held festival called “Alps Adriatic Young writers festival”, and it was officially opened by the Deputy County prefect Ivan Pal.
Introductory words, to the audience addressed Marko Gregur who briefly presented their work and introduced the crowd with the project itself. At the end he thanked Koprivnica Križevci County for their great support, but also to all the sponsors and those who believed in them and in any way helped that the opening of the festival occured.
The idea about the implementation of this project commended Deputy Pal and emphasized:
“We as a County think we need to stand behind such projects, there is little money to be shared, but the benefit is great. I wish you lot of success in future work and I am looking forward to our future cooperation. “
Numerous invited and guests at the opening were introduced to the Central European literature through reading texts, and it was presented the Slovenian hip-hop, Hungarian dance, Austrian techno and Croatian jazz who with singing and dancing performed Romana Pavliša and Alpinists.
It should be noted that at the festival participate young writers from four European countries, and in two days of duration of the festival, writers will have a series of reading in high school “Fran Galović” Koprivnica, secondary school “Ivan Seljanec” Križevci and high school Dr. Ivan Kranjčev Đurđevac in order to provide to young people insight into contemporary Central European literature.
Organizer of the festival is association RockLive from Koprivnica, and it was held with the support of the Alps Adriatic Alliance and Koprivnica Križevci County and a numerous sponsors, partners and patrons.