Painters Kolarek and Štrfiček donated to the County pictures from the 4th International art colony “Alps Adriatic heart of naive”

The president of the Association of Hlebine painters and sculptors Zlatko Kolarek and a member of association Zlatko Štrfiček, donated to County prefect Darko Koren and the County, artistic paintings from the 4th International art colony “Alps Adriatic heart of naive” as a thank for the longtime support to the Colony and naive painting.
International art colony of “Alps Adriatic heart of naive” is held in Hlebine, the cradle of naive art, and from its beginnings it is supported by the County and the Alps Adriatic Alliance. On that occasion, the County prefect thanked to Municipality of Hlebine for the support, as host of the colony, and expressed the pleasure that every year participates more and more artists from the area of Alps Adriatic Alliance. The project is conceived as a partnership connecting between the participants of the colony, along with the promotion of naive and traditional art, and over the years new friendships were made that were the basis for further international cooperation.
County prefect thanked to painters for everything they do on the promotion of the County through naive art, as well as participating in the project Easter egg from the heart of the Countys Tourist board, which counts the twelfth year and which has with Easter eggs painted in naive manners toured the world.