New funds of the Alps Adriatic Alliance approved for manifestations in Koprivnica Križevci County

In Klagenfurt was on October 19th held second this year’s session of Steering Committee of Alps Adriatic Alliance. Along with usual topics such as the Secretary General’s report on his work, and the report on work of the thematic coordination points and contact points of members, at the session was also discussed as well about the project applications that were submitted on a tender for the project funding.
Co-financing was accepted for the following manifestations from the area of Koprivnica Križevci County:
- Colony of art „Alps-Adriatic heart of naïve” 2018. – Association of naive painters and sculptors of Hlebine – 2200 Eur;
- Koprivnica days of cultural heritage and 12th International folklore festival „From grannys chest“ – Community of cultural art associations of Koprivnica Križevci County – 3000 Eur;
- 3rd Alps Adriatic young writers festival – Artistic organization „Artikulacije“ – 3000 Eur;
- New challenges for parents of children with disabilities – Association for people with intellectual disabilities „Petals“ – 1000 Eur;
- Podravina Postkarte – Association of persons with disabilities „A better tomorow“ of town Koprivnica – 1000 Eur.
There was total on this session for the projects from the area of Koprivnica Križevci County granted 10.200 Eur. In whole year 2017. for the projects from our County was granted 20.700 Eur, and total from year 2014. till 2017. was granted 65.270 Eur.