12.400 Euros of Alps Adriatic Alliance for the projects from our County

In Austrian Klagenfurt was on Wednesday, April 28th held meeting of the Steering Committee of the Alps Adriatic Alliance. At the meeting Secretary general Thomas Pseiner presented work of the Alliance for the period since the last meeting, and as well were given the reports on the work of contact points (CP) for each of the member region and thematic coordiantion points (TCP).

At the meeting participated Head of the Section for international relations and european funds Vladimir Šadek, who gave the report on the work for Koprivnica Križevci County and of the TCP for agriculture and ethnic heritage.

At the meeting were granted funds for common projects within Alps Adriatic Alliance. In evaluation of the projects advantage had the projects with larger amount of partners,  with maximum number of included regions, projects that include more participants and the ones that give as greater added value for the area of the Alliance.

From Koprivnica Križevci County was applied eight projects, from which financial funds were approved for the six of them. The amount of 12.400 Euros is allocated for the following projects from our County:

  • The golden wines of Alps Adriatic – applicant The cluster of winemakers Đurđevac à 3000 Euros;
  • LEADER LAG – applicant LAG Podravina à 1800 Euros;
  • In grannys lap – applicant Folklore ensamble Koprivnica à 1100 Euros;
  • Festival of young writers – applicant Rock live Koprivnica à 3000 Euros;
  • Scientific conference on Drava river – applicant Historical association Koprivnica à 2500 Euros;
  • The renaissance festival – applicant Tourist association Koprivnica à 1000 Euros.

The funds were not granted for the projects: Saint Martins cup (applicant DVD Virje) and International knowledge and friendship quiz (applicant Branch school Bakovčica). The reason for rejection were mistakes in application regarding the application of appropriate partner from the area of the Alliance.

Successfull organizations which are registered as associations have possibility for their projects to realize cofinancing as well from the side of Koprivnica Križevci County according to Public call for cofinancing of the projects of associations in year 2016. contracted within tender of the Alps Adriatic Alliance. Public call is published on the web site of the County: http://arhiva.kckzz.hr/javni-poziv-za-sufinanciranje-projekata-udruga-u-2016-godini-ugovorenih-u-okviru-natjecaja-saveza-alpe-jadran/.

New tender for financing of the projects with Alps Adriatic Alliance funds will be announced in autumn year 2016. Therefore are invited all interested organizations that on time start with the preparations. All additional information about applying can be get in Section for international relations and european funds.