New funding of the Alps Adriatic Alliance for the projects in our County

The first this year’s session of the Alps Adriatic Steering Committee was held in Klagenfurt on Thursday, April 20th. It was an opportunity for the report of the Secretary General on the Alliance’s work, as well as reports of member contact points and thematic coordination points (TCP).
Vladimir Šadek, head of the Section for international cooperation and european funds, submitted a report on the work of the contact point for Koprivnica Križevci County and TCP for agriculture and ethnic heritage. As on the sessions are presented successful projects funded by the funds of the Alliance, this time was presented the project The golden wines of Alps Adriatic, which is since year 2014. being held in Koprivnica Križevci County.
The session was also attended by the Head of the Department of economy, communal activities and agriculture, Marijan Štimac, and head of the Section for agriculture and rural development, Denis Maksić, also a president of the Association Bilikum from Križevci, who is this year’s organizer of the Golden Wines. On that occasion, additional contacts with representatives of the regions have been made in order to include new wine producers in the project.
On the sessions for the co-financing by the Alliance’s funds were accepted new projects. To the applicants from Koprivnica Križevci County was granted 10.500 Euros for the following projects:
- AAA LEADER – LAG Podravina -> 2000 Euros,
- Beekeeping in the Alps Adriatic region – Cluster of beekeepers Podravina ->1400 Euros,
- Meeting of children’s folklore groups “In grannys lap” – Folklore ensemble Koprivnica -> 1100 Euros,
- The golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2017. – Association of winemakers and wine producers Bilikum Križevci -> 3000 Euros,
- Under walnut (dangerous substances and nature protection) – Volunteer fire brigade Virje -> 1000 Euros,
- International Quiz of Knowledge and Friendship “My Homeland” – Branch school Bakovčice -> 2000 Euros.
In total, there was from the Alps Adriatic Alliance in the period from year 2014. to 2017. granted 55,070 Euros for project activities in Koprivnica Križevci County.
The new tender for funding of the projects by the Alps Adriatic funds will be announced in the autumn of 2017.