Secretary general of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner visited County’s administration

Within the activities of the European week implemented by Koprivnica Križevci County, on Wednesday, May 13th , Secretary General of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner for the first time visited the County’s administration.
County Prefect Darko Koren and deputy County prefect Darko Sobota discussed with the Secretary Pseiner about approved projects of Koprivnica Križevci County within the Alliance and the preparation of new joint projects.
Secretary general of the Alliance conveyed the greetings of the Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser, who recently at held fair Gast Intervino 2015. visited the “golden winemakers” from the area of our County and emphasized the potential and possibilities for further cooperation on joint projects.
Namely, in the end of April the Steering Committee of the Alps Adriatic Alliance approved to Koprivnica Križevci County coofinancing of projects the Golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2015., AAA Leader LAG (applicant LAG Podravina), In granny’s lap (applicant Folklore ensemble Koprivnica) and “Find your energy – move yourself” in which the partner is Community of sports of Koprivnica Križevci County. Analyzing applied projects Thomas Pseiner commended the innovation and creativity of the Countys projects and the role of Koprivnica Križevci County in the Alliance.
The meeting was also attended by director of PORA Development agency of Podravina and Prigorje Melita Birčić, director of Countys Tourist board Zdravko Mihevc, Head of section for international cooperation and EU funds Vladimir Šadek, Head of section for communications and protocol Melita Ivančić and senior advisor for international relations Nataša Krobot Hrastić.
At the end of the working part there were agreed as well details about wine exhibition „The golden wines of Alps Adriatic 2015.“ which will take place on May 30th in Đurđevac.