Secretary general of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner visited Koprivnica Križevci County

Within visit to the counties with a purpose of agreement on future activities, Secretary general of the Alps Adriatic Alliance Thomas Pseiner was on Friday, September 15th visiting Koprivnica Križevci County, where he was welcomed by deputy County prefect Ratimir Ljubić, head of the Section for international cooperation and EU Funds Vladimir Šadek, representatives of the PORA Development agency of Podravina and Prigorje and other associates.
Secretary general Pseiner spoke of the successful cooperation with Koprivnica Križevci County, which is one of the most active members, and noted that it is important to talk about future forms and ways of cooperation, regarding that in November, after a four-year presidency of the region Carinthia, is going to be elected new presiding region which is going to lead the Alliance in the next two years.
Deputy Ljubić expressed satisfaction with the cooperation with the Alliance and their longtime support, adding that it is important further to work on projects that will enable growth and development of the region, exchange of experiences and strengthening of competencies, all with the professional support of the County’s Development agency. Adding that the County with successfully realized projects can certainly be an example to others, the Deputy emphasized that they are ready for new challenges, in terms of larger, more financially profitable projects.
At a meeting were also presented so far implemented projects at the area of Koprivnica Križevci County, of which 23 are worth 55 thousand EUR.