Koprivnica Križevci County

Address: Antun Nemčić street 5 , 48000 Koprivnica
Tax Number: 02768275
PIN: 06872053793
Koprivnica Križevci County is run by the county prefect Darko Koren, and deputy prefects Darko Sobota and Ratimir Ljubić, as the county executive body. The legislative body of the County is the County Assembly, chaired by Željko Pintar.
Koprivnica Križevci County is organized in eight administrative bodies: The office of county prefect, Administrative department for business affairs of the County Assembly and legal affairs, Administrative department for finance, budget and public procurement, Administrative department for economy, utility services and agriculture, Administrative department for spatial planning, construction, environmental protection and nature conservation, Administrative department for health and social services, Administrative department for education, culture, science, sports and national minorities, Internal audit department.