Planned presenting of Koprivnica Križevci County in Hungary

Deputy County prefect Ivan Pal participated on Tuesday October 27th at the meeting in Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in hungarian Pecs. The meeting was iniciated by the consul Vesna Haluga, and it was discussed about the project of presenting of Koprivnica Križevci County in Hungary. Consulate of the Republic of Croatia initiated the project of presenting of croatian Counties in Hungary, and is suggested that in this promotion during year 2016. Participates exactly our County.

At the meeting as well participated representatives of croatian national minority in Hungary, which is at the area of Pecs and the Baranya County very organised and active, and from croatian side director of Tourist board Zdravko Mihevc and Head of the section for international cooperation and EU funds Vladimir Šadek.

Vesna Haluga proposed that within representing in Hungary, it could as well be organized tourist presentation of Koprivnica Križevci County, exhibition of naive art, presentation of culture and gastronomy within the croatian day, meeting of universities and schools, twinning of towns and many other activities. In Croatia would be organized economic meetings with croatian entrepreneurs from Hungary and their performances at fairs in Koprivnica Križevci County, where would be presented producers of wine, it would be organized expert meetings, etc.

All other activities can significantly contribute to connecting and in sence of preparation of future projects within Interreg programme of crossborder cooperation, and partnership relations of stakeholders from Koprivnica Križevci County and organizations of Croats in Hungary.
Holder of tourist presentation from croatian side will be Countys Tourist board, and in the project will be included other institutions, organizations from the culture sector, Croatian chamber of commerce, Croatian chamber of crafts, etc